Over the past 35 years Dr. Fish has made many fundamental contributions to the field of multiscale computational science and engineering. Among the noteworthy contributions are: scale separation-free homogenization methods, reduced order multiscale methods, stochastic multiscale methods, temporal multiscale methods, methods accounting for dispersion and micro-inertia effects, coupling of multiple thermo-chemo-electro-mechanical processes at multiple spatial and temporal scales, multiscale enrichment methods, upscaling of discrete media, and algebraic multigrid and domain decomposition based multiscale methods. His research had a tremendous impact on industry. The Multiscale Designer software developed by the company he founded 17 years ago is considered to be the gold standard in various industries with over 250 major customers in the aerospace, automotive, energy, electronics, manufacturing, consumer goods and health care sectors across the globe. His other noteworthy scientific contributions include but not limited to hybrid data-physics driven multiscale methods, high-volume resin transfer molding methods, integrated manufacturing-product design simulation methods, and an additive hypo-elasto-plasticity formulation based on so-called kinetic logarithmic stress rate that was proven to coincide with the multiplicative hyper-elasto-plasticity formulation, and thus enabling to extend a library of exiting infinitesimal inelastic material models to large deformation regimes, that until now, not feasible by existing corotational frameworks.
Dr. Fish is the Robert A.W. and Christine S. Carleton Professor and Chair of the Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at Columbia University. He is a Founder and Director of Multiscale Science and Engineering Center originally at Rensselaer and now at Columbia University. He also serves as a Director of Columbia University initiative for Computational Science and Engineering (iCSE) involving 65 faculty from all Engineering departments. Dr. Fish is a recipient of the 2021 John von Neumann Medal from the US Association for Computational Mechanics (USACM) for "sustained and seminal contributions to the field of multiscale computational science and engineering and for its major impact on industry”, the 2018 Grand Prize from the Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science (JSCES), the 2010 Computational Mechanics award from the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM) and the 2005 Ted Belytschko Medal from the USACM given in recognition for his contributions to multiscale science and engineering. Dr. Fish is a Fellow of American Academy of Mechanics (AAM), United States Association for Computational Mechanics (USACM) and the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM). For his "significant contributions to computational science and engineering" he received 2003 Rensselaer School of Engineering Research Award. Dr. Fish has written over 280 journal articles and book chapters, two of which have won the best paper awards. He is an author of several textbooks, including A First Course in Finite Elements and Practical Multiscaling, both from Wiley. His introductory finite element textbook co-authored with Ted Belytschko has been integrated into curricula at more than 200 universities across the globe.
Dr. Fish is a two-term past President of the United States Association for Computational Mechanics and currently serves as the Vice-President for Americas of the International Association for Computational Mechanics. Dr. Fish is a Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Multiscale Computational Engineering, an Editor of the International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering and serves on the editorial board of several journals. Dr. Fish served as a Chief Scientific Adviser to Altair, which acquired his company, Multiscale Design Systems. He served as the General Chair of the 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM) in NYC, which brought together over 3200 participants from academia, national laboratories, federal agencies, and industry.
1989 Ph.D in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
1985 M.S in Structural Mechanics, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel.
1982 B.S in Structural Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel.
2011-present The Carleton Chaired Professor of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Columbia University
2020-present Director, Initiate for Computational Science and Engineering, Columbia University
2011-2020 Director, Multiscale Science and Engineering Center at Columbia University
2020-2023 Chair, Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Columbia University
2015-2020 Chief Scientific Adviser, Altair
2008-2015 Founder and President, Multiscale Design Systems, LLC.
2006-2010 Director, Multiscale Science and Engineering Center at RPI
2006-2010 The Rosalind and John J. Redfern Chaired Professor in Engineering, Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering (MANE) and Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), RPI.
1998-2010 Professor, (MANE) and (CEE), RPI.
2001 Visiting Chair Professor, Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, France.
1994 - 1998 Associate Professor, CEE and MANE (joint), RPI.
1989 - 1994 Assistant Professor, CEE, RPI.
1984 - 1986 Research Engineer, Methods Development Group, Aircraft Industries, Israel.
1982 - 1984 Structural Engineer, Civil Engineering Consulting, Inc., Tel-Aviv, Israel.